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Home - Pass Your Drug Test - Pass Your Drug Test Australia is based in Queensland, and provides various solutions on how to pass a test.We offer a quality range of Rapid Detox Kits, Toxin Detox Kits, Drug Testing Kits and Medical Condition masking products. The products on these pages will help to protect your privacy.These products are designed to help detoxify all Toxins from your system, including prescription medications.All of the products offered on this site are 100% legal and as well as being sold in Australia, are also sold in many countries around the world. Our detox products are made from natural ingredients, herbal extracts and contain components that are found in your everyday diet. There are NO chemical factors in ANY of these products.We are happy to provide information based on your situation and are available to discuss over the phone on by email if you wish to. We offer overnight delivery to postcodes offered by Australia Post Express-Post, or can sell directly if you are in our business area (Gold Coast) and can pick-up. Our order cut off is 3.30pm each day (Qld time) so if your order is in prior to that it will be sent that day. We never run out of stock and supply our full range of Ultra Klean products at all times. Ultra Klean are leaders in the field and have been supplying our industry for over 20 years. Quality products include Ultra Mask 1 hour formula (re-branded as B Clear for theAustralian market), Power Flush herbal capsules, Power Flush Permanent 7-day detox, Ultra Pure synthetic urine, Ultra Wash mouthwash, drug testing kits and more. We also supply strap on appendages. Our discretion and customer service is unsurpassed and quality products second to none. We constantly update our blog with relevant up-to-date information, and are continually researching to better provide with you with all the information you need.If you need to pass a drug test, look no further than this site.

  • Monkey Dong Strap On Urine Device - WHITE - Pass Your Drug Test - Based in Qld, we supply The Monkey Dong, Rapid Detox products including Ultra Mask, & Power Flush, Synthetic Urine, & more. Fast delivery & Customer Service
  • Monkey Whizz - Pass Your Drug Test - Based in Qld we supply quality rapid detox products including the Monkey Whizz, B Clear, Ultra Mask, Power Flush & more. Discrete packaging & fast postage.
  • Monkey Flask Synthetic Urine - Pass Your Drug Test - Based in Qld, we supply quality rapid detox products, Ultra Mask, Power Flush, Ultra Wash, as well as Synthetic Urine & test kits. Fast discrete delivery.
  • Ultra Mask Mandarin Orange Flavour - Pass Your Drug Test - Based in Qld Aust we supply Ultra Mask mandarin orange, B Clear, Power Flush & other rapid detox products. Specialists in customer service & fast delivery.
  • Power Flush Capsules - Pass Your Drug Test - Based in Qld, we supply rapid detox products including Power Flush capsules, Ultra Mask, B Clear & more. Fast delivery. Excellent customer service.
  • Power Flush Tea - Pass Your Drug Test - Based in Qld, Aust we specialize in emergency products including Ultra Mask, Power Flush Tea, B Clear & many more. Specialists in the field of drug testing.
  • Power Flush Permanent - Pass Your Drug Test - Based in Qld we supply rapid detox products including Power Flush Permanent, Ultra Mask, B Clear & more. Fast delivery & superior customer service.
  • Ultra Wash Mouthwash - Pass Your Drug Test - Based in Qld, we supply Ultra Wash Mouthwash, Ultra Mask, B Clear, Power Flush & other rapid detox products. Great Customer Service & fast delivery.
  • Ultra Mask Exotic Punch Flavour - Pass Your Drug Test - Based in Qld, Aust. We supply Ultra Mask, BClear, Power Flush, Ultra Pure & other rapid detox products. Great products & fast shipment are our specialties.
  • Ultra Mask Cherry Red Flavour - Pass Your Drug Test - Based in Qld, we supply rapid detox products including Ultra Mask Cherry Red, B Clear, Power Flush & more. Fast delivery & great customer service.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -122.3933 California, United States

  • Stephen S Day - Save your $$$$ buy something else

    Swimming activity stinks easy to start workout but impossible to end workout even tried shutting off phone and since phone was shut off before upload all data was lost bought this hunk off junk specifically for swimming and it doesn't work

  • C. williams - first time

    Hi my name is candy and I am from the bahamas, this is my first order of bnb pills and just started taking them on tuesday 2nd april as soon as it arrived, so far I have not experience any bad feeling or illness from the product except cut my appetite I am never hungry have to force my self to eat but so far so good thisbis day 4 now so I will keep you guys posted on what the income is so wish me look.

  • Carrottop Jamboree - Wouldn't be without this!

    I am blessed with a huge amount of shoulder-length hair and have gone through 50 years of rinses, conditioners and de-tanglers in my time. Not an option to go without them, as my shampooed hair looks like a rat's nest otherwise. Periodically I've been required to use pretty astringent shampoos to clear off all the build-up that they've caused as a result. I was introduced to "It's a 10" about three years ago and it has truly been a "miracle leave-in product." Now I give my towel-dried wet hair a very few spritzes of this stuff, massage it all through vigorously right down to the roots, and though it feels like I'm dealing with a lion's mane, I can easily run a pick through it and voila! my hair's perfectly de-tangled! Then I use a low-setting on my hairdryer and end up with a terrific result - beautifully shiny hair with great body! Not a week goes by that I don't have several compliments on how great my hair looks! I do lots of traveling and "It's a 10" in a smaller bottle is so convenient to take along on the road.