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North West Pathology - Tasmanian Medical Testing Laboratory : Home - Welcome to North West Pathology. We are a medical testing laboratory with laboratories in Burnie, Latrobe and Queenstown, employing around 80 staff. We are committed to providing quality pathology services to general practitioners, medical specialists, nursing homes, public and private hospitals in the north west and west regions of Tasmania.

  • North West Pathology - Tasmanian Medical Testing Laboratory : About Us Overview - North West Pathology is a member of the Sonic Healthcare group with a central laboratory situated at Burnie and laboratories at Latrobe and Queenstown. We service general practitioners, specialists, nursing homes, public and private hospitals in the North West and West regions of Tasmania.
  • North West Pathology - Tasmanian Medical Testing Laboratory : Who We Are - North West Pathology is a pathology laboratory providing North West and West Tasmania. Endorsed by NATA. Our services are designed to be easily accessible to our referring doctors.
  • North West Pathology - Tasmanian Medical Testing Laboratory : Chief Executive Officer - Dr Lawrie Bott Chief Executive Officer of Diagnostic Services Pty Ltd, parent Company of North West Pathology. Trained as a General Pathologist. Contributer to Expert System that is incorporated into the Apollo Laboratory Information System.
  • North West Pathology - Tasmanian Medical Testing Laboratory : Dr John Roberts - Dr John Roberts is a general pathologist with Launceston Pathology with special interests in histopathology and clinical biochemistry. Dr Roberts is a consultant available to Launceston and North West Pathology.
  • North West Pathology - Tasmanian Medical Testing Laboratory : Pathologist - Pathologists listed by name and speciality: Dr Shaun Donovan, Dr Eileen Long, Dr John McArdle, Dr Kathryn McArdle, Dr Daniel Owens, Dr Mark Prentice, Dr Paul Tucker, Dr Joanna Wright, Dr Penny Yarrow
  • North West Pathology - Tasmanian Medical Testing Laboratory : Management - North West Pathology, we are committed to providing the highest quality professional service whilst upholding strong medically focussed and ethical values.
  • North West Pathology - Tasmanian Medical Testing Laboratory : Career Opportunities - North West Pathology employs over seventy staff including medical scientists, technicians, technical assistants, specimen collectors, couriers, administrative staff and other support staff.
  • North West Pathology - Tasmanian Medical Testing Laboratory : Location Overview - North West Pathology has laboratories at Burnie, Latrobe and Queenstown and operates a number of conveniently located collection rooms throughout the north west Tasmanian region.
  • North West Pathology - Tasmanian Medical Testing Laboratory : Collection Centres - North West Pathology has eight fully accredited pathology collection centres in the Burnie, Devonport, Latrobe, King Island and Queenstown regions of Tasmania.
  • North West Pathology - Tasmanian Medical Testing Laboratory : After Hours - The laboratory at Burnie and Mersey is staffed 24 hours per day by experienced medical scientists. Queenstown laboratory has routinely staffed hours and is on call for emergencies only on their after hours telephone number.
  • North West Pathology - Tasmanian Medical Testing Laboratory : Overview for Patients - North West Pathology has collection centres operating throughout the north west of Tasmania with experienced and friendly staff. Provided is a list of FAQ and Pre-Testing information.
  • North West Pathology - Tasmanian Medical Testing Laboratory : Account information for patients - We have answered some questions you may have about your account from your tests performed at North West Pathology. If you any other queries in relation to your account, please feel free to contact our Accounts Department.
  • North West Pathology - Tasmanian Medical Testing Laboratory : FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about tests from blood samples, tissue, urine, stools (faeces) or other body fluids and secretions.
  • North West Pathology - Tasmanian Medical Testing Laboratory : Publications - North West Pathology provides collection guides, newsletters and brochures and pre-testing information for patients and doctors.
  • North West Pathology - Tasmanian Medical Testing Laboratory : Overview for Clinicians - North West Pathology is accredited under the scheme of the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA), Australia and the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA). We provide clinicians with testing advice, a range of publications and guidelines, news and medical links.
  • North West Pathology - Tasmanian Medical Testing Laboratory : Investigative Protocols - North West Pathology's Investigative protocols derived originally by Dr Noel Walmsley assist with interpretation of laboratory results and the investigation of some selected clinical conditions.
  • North West Pathology - Tasmanian Medical Testing Laboratory : Test Advice - North West Pathology provide doctors with an advice checklist on appropriate pathology tests.You may also refer to The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia's Complete Clinical Problem Listing for guidance in clinical scenarios.
  • North West Pathology - Tasmanian Medical Testing Laboratory : Transfusion Guidelines - For transfusion requests, please ensure you are using your current regional hospital Blood Transfusion Procedure Manual.For general guidelines and information on transfusion, you can access the Australian and New Zealand Society of Blood Transufion (ANZSBT) web site.
  • North West Pathology - Tasmanian Medical Testing Laboratory : Medical Links - Medical Links provided for Medline, Pubmed, RACP, RCPA, Medscape and other information for healthcare providers

    Country:, Oceania, AU

    City: 151.2055 New South Wales, Australia

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