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e-SENS | Moving services forward! - e-SENS project facilitates digital public services in the area of eHealth, eProcurement, eJustice and eBusiness across the EU.

  • About the project | e-SENS - In today’s digital world, numerous challenges are faced by public administration in Europe. The increasing mobility of citizens and businesses requires change in governments’ thinking, from a national to a European approach. Governments are becoming more and more aware that changes in the way they perform their tasks are inevitable, as administrative burdens need to be reduced in order to reap the full potential of the European Single Market.
  • Press releases | e-SENS - e-SENS e-Confirmation pilot e-Confirmation pilot takes the next step towards seamless healthcare in EU Language version: EN Date of the press release: 7.06.2016  
  • eIDAS new rules for eID and Trust Services | e-SENS - The Regulation (EU) N°910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market provides a legal framework to enable secure and seamless electronic interactions between businesses, citizens and public authorities. eIDAS ensures that people and businesses can use their own national eIDs to access public services in other EU countries where eIDs are available.
  • Technical Solutions | e-SENS - The objective of e-SENS is to make available a comprehensive set of building blocks (BBs) for an interoperable European infrastructure for cross sector services. The project focuses on providing architecture driven solutions and technical specification on the state of the art technologies by engaging in close corporation various domain communities. The goal is to create general purpose components that can be extended to other various policy areas. 
  • e-SENS/e-CODEX components used in the iSupport project | e-SENS - The objective of the iSupport project is to develop an electronic case management and secure communication system to facilitate the fast, efficient and cost-effective cross-border recovery of maintenance obligations under the 2009 European Union Maintenance Regulation and the 2007 Hague Child Support Convention. It has built on the e-CODEX and e-SENS experiences on secure electronic cross-border data transmission and implemented technical components of the projects.
  • IBM Joins List of e-SENS AS4 Conformant Solutions | e-SENS - IBM has joined List of e-SENS AS4 Conformant Solutions held by CEF eDelivery, following a process of conformance testing, one of the key services provided by the CEF eDelivery building block. IBM has been actively involved in the e-SENS large scale pilot and the advancement of CEF eDelivery services, such as participating in vendors workshops organised by the European Commission.
  • eTendering connethatlon events in October | e-SENS - Two connectathon events will test cross-border transactions within Tendering pilot. Seven tendering systems across Europe such as TenderNed (NL), Negometrix (NL), ETHICS (DK), eVergabe (DE), Mercell (NO), Gatewit (PT), Vortal (PT) will take part in the e-SENS testing exercise held on 13th and 27th of October. The connectivity tests will be conducted in three phases:
  • OpenPEPPOL transition from AS2 to e-SENS AS4 | e-SENS - A Letter of Understanding on eDelivery alignment was signed between OpenPEPPOL and CEF Digital.
  • CEF webinar available online! | e-SENS - Last CEF webinar, which took place on 12th September 2016, aimed at exploring the relationship between CEF eDelivery and the Electronic Registered Delivery Service (ERDS) set in the eIDAS Regulation. Presentations from experts in the field included an overview of CEF eDelivery, specific requirements laid-out by the eIDAS regulation, the AS4 messaging protocol of CEF eDelivery and security controls.
  • Österreich | e-SENS - Ziel des Projektes e-SENS ist die Verbesserung des grenzüberschreitenden Zugangs zu öffentlichen Diensten und Dienstleistungen innerhalb der EU und die Unterstützung der Entwicklung des digitalen Binnenmarkts. In diesem Sinne wird e-SENS eine Infrastruktur für interoperable öffentliche Dienste in Europa entwickeln. Die Arbeit von e-SENS basiert auf den  Ergebnissen der bereits gestarteten IT-Großprojekte e-CODEX, epSOS, STORK, SPOCS und PEPPOL.
  • Danmark | e-SENS - Målet med e-SENS-projektet er, at det skal være lettere at bosætte sig, arbejde, rejse, studere og gøre forretninger på tværs af Europas grænser. e-SENS skal bidrage til, at det digitale indre marked bliver en realitet for borgere, myndigheder og virksomheder. e-SENS-projektet konsoliderer og forbedrer resultaterne fra tidligere storskalaprojekter herunder projekter inden for e-handel, e-identifikation og e-sundhed. e-SENS specificerer og designer byggeklodserne til den kommende fælleseuropæiske, standardiserede digitale infrastruktur.
  • Luxembourg | e-SENS - L’objectif du projet e-SENS est d’améliorer l’accès frontalier aux services publics dans l’Union Européenne, ainsi que de supporter le développement d’un marché numérique unique. e-SENS développera une infrastructure pour des services publics interopérables en Europe, en utilisant les résultats de projets pilotes à grande échelle (LSP – « Large Scale Pilot ») déjà démarrés : e-CODEX, epSOS, SPOCS, STORK et PEPPOL. Ces projets ont déjà montré que la fourniture de services frontaliers peut être plus simple.
  • Eesti | e-SENS -  E-SENSi eesmärk on arendada ja katsetada infotehnoloogilisi lahendusi eri valdkondades ning laiendada ühist e-teenuste turgu Euroopas, sh teenuste ristkasutust (nt e-ID ja e-dokumendid, e-hanked, semantika ja e-allkirjad). Eesti juhib e-SENSis töögruppi, mille eesmärk on luua omavahel seotud e-lahenduste jätkusuutlikkuse ja küpsuse hindamise juhend.
  • Česká republika | e-SENS - Cílem projektu e-SENS je zlepšit přístup k přes-hraničním službám veřejné správy v EU a podpořit rozvoj jednotného digitálního trhu.  e-SENS bude založen na infrastruktuře pro interoperabilní veřejné služby v Evropě za využití existujících rozsáhlých pilotních projektů: e-CODEX, epSOS, SPOCS, STORK, PEPPOL. Tyto projekty již prokázaly, že poskytování přeshraničních elektronických služeb může být jednodušší.
  • Ελλάδα | e-SENS - Στόχος του e-SENS είναι να βελτιώσει την διασυνοριακή πρόσβαση σε δημόσιες υπηρεσίες εντός Ε.Ε και να υποστηρίξει την ανάπτυξη της ενιαίας ψηφιακής αγοράς. Το e-SENS θα αναπτύξει την υποδομή για διαλειτουργικές δημόσιες υπηρεσίες στην Ευρώπη χρησιμοποιώντας τα αποτελέσματα πιλοτικών έργων ευρείας κλίμακας που έχουν ήδη ξεκινήσει : e-CODEX, epSOS, SPOCS, STORK και PEPPOL.
  • España | e-SENS - El proyecto e-SENS es una iniciativa conjunta de más de cien instituciones pertenecientes a 20 países europeos que responde a la convocatoria del año 2012 del programa de Competitividad e Innovación de la Comisión Europea. Su objetivo es facilitar el acceso a los servicios públicos de los distintos países de la UE por parte de ciudadanos de cualquier país en Europa. Dotar a los servicios públicos de esta perspectiva transfronteriza permite avanzar hacia el mercado único digital, uno de los grandes retos estratégicos de la Unión Europea.
  • Nederland | e-SENS - Door de groeiende samenwerking tussen EU-lidstaten, hoge mobiliteit, toename van internationale handel en procedures met grensoverschrijdende effecten, is de uitwisseling van informatie van essentieel belang. Makkelijk en veilig informatie uitwisselen tussen lidstaten is een randvoorwaarde om binnen Europa te leven, te reizen en te werken.
  • Ireland | e-SENS - The e-SENS project aims at providing standardised solutions  for public services within the EU Member States and Associated Countries. Facilitating the mobility of citizens and business in the EU single market will be achieved by offering selected digital services such as, e-Delivery, semantics, e-Signature e-ID.Goals of the project:
  • Norge | e-SENS - e-SENS skal bedre tilgangen til offentlige tjenester på tvers av grensene i Europa, og samtidig støtte utviklingen av et digitalt indre marked for EUs borgere, myndigheter og bedrifter. Målet er å gjøre det enklere å flytte, bo, arbeide, reise, studere og gjøre forretninger over europeiske landegrenser.
  • Polska | e-SENS - Celem projektu e-SENS jest poprawa dostępu do transgranicznych usług publicznych na terenie Europy oraz budowa Jednolitego Rynku Cyfrowego na terenie UE oraz krajów zrzeszonych. Projekt buduje rozwiązania IT dla interoperacyjnych usług świadczony przez administracje publiczną, bazując na wynikach pilotażowych projektów wielkoskalowych tj. e-CODEX, epSOS, SPOCS, STORK i PEPPOL. Projekty te udowodniły, iż świadczenie usług publicznych w Europie może być sprawniejsze dzięki wykorzystaniu technologii ICT.

    Country:, Europe, DE

    City: 7.0167 North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

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