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Cortex EDI - Free Electronic Medical/DME Billing Software, Internet Claim Submission - Free Medical Billing Software for DME, Medicare Part B, Medicaid, BCBS, and All Commercial Insurance Companies. Clearinghouse and software vendor.

Country:, North America, US

City: -118.278 California, United States

  • Fernand Pare - Easy to remove the old one and just as easy ...

    This is exactly what I needed for our Atwood 6 gallon hot water tank in our 2003 Hurricane Motorhome. Easy to remove the old one and just as easy to instal the new one. Total maybe 10 minutes? My wife had stated that when in the shower she did not have enough hot water. Well let me tell you she will not be short of water again. Tested the water and a perfect 140F as stated on the thermostat.

  • MacDiva - MAC Version VS PC Version

    I have been a Certified Bookkeeper for 25 years and use both MAC and PCs as well as both MAC and PC versions of QuickBooks Pro....(since before Intuit bought QuickBooks).

  • Revelation - I'm addicted.

    I'm addicted to this game. I really like that it is a co-op first person shooter. You can also do player-vs-player. And you're not at a huge disadvantage to those who play 24/7. They can't kill your character and steal all of your gear like in Division. This game has a great balance of a story-line, free-roam, and multiplayer. There is a lot of co-op type stuff, which is fun. Upgrading weapons and gear is a lot of fun, too.

  • Yowitsmarc - ... is very similar and the color orange is more like a neon orange and dosent look legit

    in the picture it shows orange nike sign that is on a gray back ground then all the way at the tip is a LIGHT gray i received the shoe the color is very similar and the color orange is more like a neon orange and dosent look legit. i think they sent me the wrong one or the shoe dosent match the picture provided colors dosent match