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  • BeckyF - Pure junk

    This thing is worthless. Please save your time and money and NOT purchase this. I am sending it back today for a refund. It was bought for my parents who have difficulty trimming their own fingernails. I can tell you that this thing cuts finger nails about as well as a butter knife cuts solid steel. Do not buy this.

  • MidwestGuy - 5 day supply overpriced, full of cadmium, thorium, strontium, sugar??

    EDIT: I had to update my review towards the negative because I didn't like being slandered, called a liar, ridiculed, and having comment and review-stuffing of what sounds like PR company written propaganda doing ad hominem attacks against me. I got mad at being attacked and now am responding to save other users the trouble.

  • Nate - Help for struggling students

    Received this today and immediately read the first three chapters. Clear and concise instructions for exercises. Easy to understand descriptions of issues that a child may be dealing with. I will have this read in short order.

  • Rhonda - Zantrex-3 Black Rapid Release 84 Soft gelsels

    This really is a great addition to the Zantrex family but be warned if you are Niacin sensitive, when t states take a Full glass of water with the two gel caps, take the full glass, otherwise you will feel the flush that you get as it absorbs, but it does not, REPEAT, does not give you jitters, loopy head or keep you up, and I am very sensitive to the slightest amount of stimulants, and I can take this and feel great all day and go to bed and sleep like a baby, unless my 2 yr old Granddaughter is spending the night, then she hogs the king size bed, but that is what NaNa's are for! ;)

  • nightsky - The one and only!

    This is the only product I use and I can't imagine raising fish without it! There is nothing on the market like Prime...ask anyone that raises fish and you'll get the same answer! There's not much more to's the cat's meow and the fishes tail! Don't attempt keeping fish with anything'll be sorry!

  • nadia - this shampoo and sucks black color use on my hair shampoo that takes ...

    this shampoo and sucks black color use on my hair shampoo that takes away all the color does not recommend for anyone who uses color in her hair!!!