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Psychologist in San Diego County – Encinitas, CA | Moonlight Counseling - Dr. Art Rosengarten offers individual, group, & couples therapy for treatment of depression, anxiety, relationship issues, addiction & more. Call him today!

  • Individual, Cuples, Group Therapy, addiction/recovery, mindfulness Meditation, Psychological Tarot | Moonlight Counseling - Office Visits By Appointment Individual Talk Therapy Marital, Divorce, Adolescent, and Family Therapy, Addiction and Recovery Counseling Group T
  • Therapy & Counseling by Therapist Dr. Art Rosengarten - Encinitas, CA | Moonlight Counseling - Visit Moonlight Counseling for confidential & compassionate individualized talk therapy. Dr. Rosengarten helps in person, over the phone, or via video chat.
  • Couples Therapy & Relationship Counseling – Encinitas, CA | Moonlight Counseling - Dr. Art Rosengarten provides effective couples therapy & relationship counseling in N. San Diego County, CA. You can make it work! Call Moonlight Therapy for an appt.
  • Good Karma Divorce; setting a path for starting over. Dr. Rosengarten can guide you through the periods or darkness and hopelessness, anger and abandonment. | Moonlight Counseling - The Good Karma Divorce Divorce is without question a "ten" on the scale of painstaking, high-stress, emotional challenges! I've heard it described as "open
  • Interactive process-oriented ongoing group therapy in N. County San Diego | Moonlight Counseling - Present-centered sharing; re-enactment of famiiy dynamics. Comfortable, confidential, intimate
  • Wednesday Night Group Therapy | Moonlight Counseling - Ongoing, unstructured, awareness-based psychotherapy group for adults. Focus on self acceptance, expression of feeling, relationship challenges, transitions
  • Signs and stages of alcoholism; recovery through abstinence and AA philosophy. Expierenced therapist with Chemical Dependency expertise. | Moonlight Counseling - Supportive therapy coupled with confrontation of addictive patterns like denial, minimalization, projection and others
  • Psychological Tarot - Tarot & Psychology | Moonlight Counseling - Dr. Art Rosengarten, renowned pioneer in the field of Tarot Psychology uses images & symbols in tarot readings combined w/ psychotherapy. Call for an appt!
  • AIDS patient seeks counseling with tarot to deal with immanent death and loss of partner | Moonlight Counseling - By Arthur Rosengarten, Ph.D. Paychological Tarot Vignette excerpted from Tarot And Psychology: Spectrums of Possibility (2000) Before AIDS was so termed, an
  • Vignette: A Woman's Support Group | Moonlight Counseling - HEALING CONTEXTS : PSYCHOLOGICAL TAROT VIGNETTES What follows are vignettes of Tarot divination when utilized psychotherapeutically. They were selected f
  • Tarot reading by Dr. Art Rosengarten spreadsheets with selected cards emailed after live consultation. | Moonlight Counseling - Call to set appointment. 75 minutes $155 read by a leading pioneer in the field and expert reader
  • Dictionary of Arcane Terms tied to a random number generator designed to be user-friendly bibliomancy | Moonlight Counseling - Tarot, Paranormal, Postmodernism, Native American Proverbs, Jungian and Buddhist/Nondual constructs, actual frog sounds, Famous Last Words. Hatch FROGS--Fluid Resonance Oracle Gnosis
  • Articles, essays, demonstrations, videos and interviews with Dr. Art Rosengarten at Moonlight Counseling | Moonlight Counseling - -Scroll down Article tab to find following: American Idolatry (Rosengarten) Are Terrorists Insane? Is Santa Claus Dead (Rosengarten) Autistic SAVANT
  • Stop making fun of the mentally ill | Moonlight Counseling - Did others feel troubled watching the opening theatrics of American Idol as I did tonight? You don’t have to be a clinical psychologist to see the early co
  • Are Terrorists Insane? | Moonlight Counseling - David Patrick Houghton ORLANDO – One of the most common popular misunderstandings about the causes of terrorism is the notion that terrorists must be “i
  • Real life Rain Man, autistic savant patient of Dr. Rosengarten's | Moonlight Counseling - By Art Rosengarten, Ph.D.   “You saw WHAT at 2726 Divisadero?” I ask affecting dismay. “A clock with ONE hand!” Dave repeats from the front seat.
  • Tjhe child within still believes which explains the holiday blues which has been corrupted by materialism. The power of myth. | Moonlight Counseling -  Essay by Art Rosengarten Over the winter holidays many are moved to press squeegee and sponge to the frosted windowsills of
  • Marijuana's Health Effects | Moonlight Counseling - In the debate on legalizing marijuana, which Californians will vote on in November in the form of Proposition 19, the health risks of marijuana are often
  • Meaningful Numbers | Moonlight Counseling - By Art Rosengarten, Ph.D.   Mindless Digits We fight the impersonality of them when manipulated like a raw statistic, or when left scrambling to
  • ON DELUSION: An Open Letter To Adolescents | Moonlight Counseling - From Dr. Art My Dear Youth... With young minds “possibility” reigns large, and delusio
  • Talk doesn't pay so Psychiatrists turn instead to drugs | Moonlight Counseling - Richard Perry/The New York Times March 7, 2011 “I had to train myself not to get too interested in their problems, and not to get sidetracked trying to be a s
  • The Problem With Trouble | Moonlight Counseling - By Art Rosengarten "In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order" wrote the Swiss founder of Analytical Psychology, C. G. Jung. Nowhere is t
  • What is it that woman want beyond everything else. Sir Gwain and the Lady Ragnell | Moonlight Counseling - By Polly Young-Eisendrath One day King Arthur is out hunting in the North, in Inglewood Forest, where he stalks a white hart until he wounds it with an
  • Who by fire by Leonard Cohen illustrated with The Vertigo Tarot by Dave McKean, Video by Art Rosengarten, moonlight Video. | Moonlight Counseling - "Who By Fire?" (click) Blending Surreal Images: TarotVideo based on Leonard Cohen's "Who By Fire" featuring the cult favorite British 'Vertigo Tarot' with th
  • Why I wrote the book Tarot and Psychology by its author, Dr. Art Rosengarten | Moonlight Counseling - By Art Rosengarten, Ph.D., January 21, 2000. Like many of my generation, I still hold the Sixties with reverence for its underlying vision, its music and
  • Dr. Art Rosengarten is a clinical psychologist and Director of Moonlight Counseling. He is author of Tarot and Psychology: Spectrums of Possibility and Tarot of the Nine Paths: Advanced Tarot for the Spiritual Traveler | Moonlight Counseling - He is experienced in private practice, In Patient, and Residential Treatment, Alcoholism and Reccovery. He is also a writer of essays, poetry, and creative non-fiction
  • Eclectic, Buddhist, Jungian. Our relationship and rapport is essential to successful outcome. | Moonlight Counseling - I believe the degree of trust and rapport we develop together is crucial for successful outcome. It requires basic sincerity on both sides, and an
  • How others have found Dr. Rosengarten's services. Testimonials for therapy, classes, and readings | Moonlight Counseling - Excerpts of what people have said about Dr. Art's work at Moonlight Counseling (Psychotherapy, Group Therapy, Relationship Counseling, Graduate Classes, and

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -111.8906 Arizona, United States

  • Lisa C - Not bad...

    I've used this shampoo every other day for a month now. I have Lupus, and am losing hair by the fistful. My hair is now SO thin, but doesn't look it quite thought I'd give this a shot after reading a few good reviews. I pretty much agree with what others have said. Yes, it is drying....I balance that with using my own (different brand) conditioner. It is an almost tingly sensation while one your scalp....I lather it on, then leave it on while I shower. The smell is kind of menthol-like, but not awful. Has it helped with my hair loss?? I'm not sure really. I'm still losing tons, that much I know. It leaves my scalp feeling super clean, but I'm doubtful that it's helping with the thinning much. I'll continue to purchase though, just because of how my scalp feels after using it.

  • Sayeed A. - High End Device with a Lot of Features!

    I bought this phone for my dad and he is in love with it. It has fast-charging and all the high end specs that you could ask for in a top tier device. I don't know much about it, besides the fact that there hasn't been any issues thus far. It's got some interesting features and is a pleasure to use, I can tell you that much!

  • 3 to go - PERFECT!!

    Total bargain for the price! We needed something for our two mixed bread dogs to share. One is 50 lbs and the other is 15 lbs. this is so spacious we put in a flat rectangular dog bed the size of the house. They have plenty of room to either curl up in the back to stay away from the entrance or stretch out facing the entrance side by side. It's solid (already had a windy night and didn't budge), fairly easy to build (took about an hour because husband had "help" from our 10 & 7 year old daughters slowing him down). The flaps work great. We had rain and both dogs and the bed stayed dry. The price was extremely affordable since both dogs fit and shipping time was perfect as it arrived weekend before the first real heavy rain. Kids loved personalizing the house with the enclosed letter decals.