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Library - Fair Oaks Women's Health Library, Pasadena, CA - Fair Oaks Women's Health, Pasadena, CA. Ob/Gyn Specialty Practice. Dr. Bryan Jick,. Dr. Jennie Chang, Dr. Jennifer Park.

Country:, North America, US

City: -75.4083 Pennsylvania, United States

  • ThunderKisss - it's working and will continue buying

    I've purchased this twice for my Mom who has been having problem with her toe nails. Her doctor told her to use tea tree oil and a tea tree nail polish. She wasn't happy with the results she was getting so far so she asked me to look up something online for her. So i got this and on her next monthly appointment her doctor noticed the difference and asked what she was doing to get those results. Now this isn't a cure all or a complete fix but there is improvement for sure! Just keep being consistent and hopefully this works for you too.

  • Jennifer R. Pahl - So far, so fun.

    I'm loving the game so far. It just looks like some of the "cooler" weapons will take some time and money to unlock but that tends to be the trend with most games. But I am still enjoying it.

  • C. Toombs - Works, but slow

    I started this stuff almost exactly a year ago, and used it daily. Just recently, I have noticed healthy nail all the way across the nail, so it looks like it finally did the trick. My nail was quite bad, so if you catch your problem earlier, it probably won't take as long. The main ingredient in this is sodium hydroxide (lye), so I was worried that it might burn, but the concentration is apparently quite low, as there was never any discomfort. If you are persistent and patient, this will do the trick.

  • Mrs S - Boots and Mark's Story

    Katie Delahanty is a new to me author. Believe is the 3rd book in the The Brightside series and is the story of Amanda, aka Boots, and Mark, the bass player for the band Brightside. Boots is promising surgeon ready to start her residency and Mark, tired of the big stage, has form a new band and is taking to the road for smaller venues.

  • 3dogs2catsgirl - Fades Brown Spots and Goes Fast!

    I have not noticed any lessening of lines, but there is a definite change in the complexion. I have always had freckles and I have noticed in the past couple years they have grown and darkened. I noticed an almost immediate lightening of them. My face looks so much clearer! The bottle has to weigh more than the actual contents, though, because it was gone really fast! I probably got 14 applications out of it, using three pumps on my face and two on my neck (only did on the neck maybe five times). I liked it enough to feel like I NEED more!