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    Country:, Europe, CZ

    City: 14.4112 , Czechia

  • barry - A must!

    Maybe one of the best productions of Barry and The Bee Gees in the last 30 years if we do not consider Still waters album.

  • BlueBellBlue - Minimalist, great for travel & camping.

    Very minimalist. And the word "Machine" should be removed from the title for sure. I was somewhat surprised when I opened the package at the thinness of it. It's a little TOO minimalist as they give you no guidance whatsoever as to how much coffee to use. I used 1 1/2 tablespoons. First cup wasn't totally successful. I use a wide-base oversize mug for less sloshing while carrying & less tipping hazard. Well, this is not the device for that as the grounds don't hang down far enough to steep. I ended up putting it in a regular mug and that worked better. It's super compact. I also intend to use it for tea, which it's perfect for. Would be great for travel and camping. I have a Melitta Clever Dripper and it's great. However, it takes up too much room in the suitcase to pack on the off chance I'm somewhere without a coffeemaker. This takes up no room at all.

  • Paula Kassim - great book

    This book has been a definite plus for preparing to take my boards. It has given me very helpful strategies and eased some of my anxiety about the test. Would recommend this to anyone who is getting ready to take your boards.

  • Richel - Does chill quickly but has electronic issues

    If you can get it to work properly it works well, I've had several issues with different features of this product. First issue is that the pump that circulates the cold water sometimes stops during operation so you need to reset the device from time to time. I have also had many times where you could not select one on the options like, can, bottle or wine. I tried unplugging it several times and even left it overnight because I could not get it to work. The next day it would start working again. When I get through a full cycle it does chill my beverages well. They could have done a better job on the quality of this product, especially the electronics.