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Interacciones entre citostáticos orales y medicación concomitante - Web que surge con el objetivo de dar un servicio a los profesionales de la Salud intentando resumir de forma práctica y visual la evidencia disponible sobre interacciones entre citostáticos orales y otros fármacos o alimentos.

Country:, Europe, ES

City: -3.684 , Spain

  • biz888 - I can testify... This is a MIRACLE CURE!

    I found some blogs about Black Seed Oil two months ago and read some people with allergy who got cured. I read one lady that said she was getting allergy shots for 10 years until she stumbled onto this miracle cure. I myself have allergy now for 20 long years. Mine is really bad because it is not seasonal. I have allergy 24 hours 365 days! My sinus was so bad liquid coming down like a river. Infact, for 20 years I have been using Viva paper cloth and tissues were not enough when I blow my nose. My nose was worse than Rudolph the red nose reindeer…. Honestly! My eyes red everyday and always using liquid to lighten it. I also had two years of allergy shots and to no avail. So two months ago when I read the reviews, I decided to try this black seed oil. I started with 2 spoonfuls everyday for 2 weeks. It took a week or so before I noticed I had less liquid in my sinus so I increased to 2 spoonful TWICE a day. Then it got better. I increased it again to 4 spoonful twice a day (morning & before going to sleep). Now I’m almost completely healed. I would say 95% cured. I will not complain on the 5%... I am very happy. I faithfully take this oil everyday. I can miss my other vitamins but will not miss this one. Not only that it cured my allergy, I also notice the big difference on my sleep. It also cured my insomnia. I also tried this on allergy bumps from a face cream one time. I put this oil and was gone the next morning. I suggest to those whose got allergy problem, please try this and then increase the dosage. I hope you will get healed just like I did.

  • Amazon Shopper - You Guys are Killing Me.......

    I like most of you had to renew my payroll subscription. Despite the negative reviews I decided to give the upgrade from 2011 to 2013 a shot. Attempting to save money on the annual payroll subscription and upgrade to newer version. Loaded the disk and let it do it's thing then called the 800 number for validation code and payroll service key. I have been running this software for a good ten to eleven years now and I am a one horse show. So some or most of you may experience longer conversion times do to larger data files and can also believe that the call center has good days and bad.

  • Dustin Miller - Serves its purpose but definitely recommend starting out with the 7'' if you're a newbie to the squatty potty.

    I mean it's a squatty potty so there isn't much that it doesn't do that it's supposed to but there needs to be a better indicator of what sizes one may need. The 9'' squatty potty is too tall for me, and makes it quite uncomfortable to use on my standard size toilet seat. I would definitely recommend the 7'' to start out.

  • James Enloe - For my use it's excellent

    I bought this earbud with a specific need and a few criteria. Based on what I was seeking this has been working great.

  • Steven Dam - But Wait

    I am considering buying this product for my wife, but I am holding out in hopes that they create this product "with wings" for this "heavy-writing" days.

  • Vanessa Sharon Brown - Should You Upgrade to the Tablet?

    Hi! I am Vanessa Brown and I run a website called INeverGrewUp. We just received a LeapPad from LeapFrog to review and so I wanted to share with all of you what I thought of it!