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Northampton Feldenkrais Studio in Western Massachusetts - Victoria Ahrensdorf uses Feldenkrais to help those with chronic & acute pain, scoliosis, cerebral palsy, MS, strokes, brain injury, back pain, osteoporosis.

  • About Victoria Ahrensdorf, Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, & Ruthy Alon - Victoria Ahrensdorf has been teaching Awareness Through Movement and Relaxercise classes since 1981. Many students quickly gain flexibility & pain relief.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -87.6272 Illinois, United States

  • Canary-nose Marewee - Swift delivery

    Product arrived as promised. I haven't been taking this supplement long enough to know how effective it is.

  • Elaine - Warm and Comfortable

    I purchased this jacket in black a few years ago. It quickly became an indispensable and integral part of my winter wardrobe. Not only is it comfortable and warm... it's extremely light! If Patagonia were to release a burgundy/wine colored version of this fine jacket I would quickly purchase it. Definitely one of the best clothing purchases.