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@cristianoweb - Designer web, especialista em criação de sites com WordPress - Meu nome é Cristiano Santos, eu sou um designer web especialista em WordPress e trabalho na criação de sites e temas de blog baseados em negócios.

Country:, South America, BR

City: -43.2192 , Brazil

  • COREYF - Get what you pay for

    So far they have worked fine.. The quality isn't really there but hey the price was right and I wanted a set in a roll up bag like this. I will stick to my Craftsman when I really need to lean on bolts but these work fine for just quick nuts and bolts.

  • T. Freeborn - SHAME ON YOU KEURIG!!

    I was ready to go out and buy this today--thank goodness I checked the every-trusty Amazon reviews beforehand. After some research, the most upsetting part of Keurig's new system is that you absolutely cannot use reusable cartridges. For $200, you cannot brew your own coffee?! Not only am I upset about the waste this will produce from only being able to use disposable cartridges, but how about those of us who like to support local roasters and who want to buy a nice bag of beans when we travel?

  • mohamad saleh - not satisfied

    Im disappointed the 11 size wasnt like the 11 in the airmax 2013 :(i always wear 11 in nike now im affraid from the online shopping again

  • sa301 - Informative book, simple narrative

    It is informative and did help with the class on operational management I am taking in my college. The story is easy to follow, but the MC seems a little to simple, like its obvious that he is a tool to help the reader learn by asking simple questions and seems more like a student who is just learning about operations than a man who took an MBA on it already. However, the book was made at a time where perhaps they didn't know the importance of bottlenecks in relation to system capacity.