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  • travis allred - Great back up knife good sheath Versitile blade

    This is a great Gerber knife it has a very good quality blade and the handle has a very nice feel to it and balances well it's sharp enough for the jobs a knife its size would be taking on and it's size is still big enough To Handel bigger jobs. I also really like the style of the blade this type of blade is great for piercing through hardened or thick layers of various types which makes it a good self defense type weapon I WOULD LIKE TO ADD ANY KNIFE IS A TOOL FIRST A WEAPON LAST INBETWEEN ARE THOUSANDS OF THINGS ITS GOOD FOR. The serrates at the bottom also give it a greater range extending the things that can be done with it that was one of my favorite parts about this knife was the ease of cutting certain things a charm the sheath was also very well built I put it in my boot as it is intended as a boot knife and it lasted all day at work without falling out I never thought it would do that five stars

  • Janey M. - Fantastic little machine with a super powerful app behind it

    Fantastic little machine with a super powerful app behind it. I have used this for swimming, running, and their in-home 10-minute bodyweight training. I have found it to be amazingly accurate. I tested it against other apps for distance/cadence measurements and it was spot on. I also wore it along with a Fitbit Surge and found it was a bit more accurate on the route and distance run.

  • C. Hays - Pretty good study guide for Pharmacy Technician Certified Board Exam.

    I received the Pharmacy Technician Certified Board Exam Study Guide 2015-2016 yesterday. I flipped through this book quite a while, and I can say that it is laid out well. Over five chapters it provides an introduction to being a Pharmacy Technician, how to work with customers, common drugs, general mathematics, maintaining medications and inventory, and administrative practices. I am sure that it will be helpful with preparing to be a Pharmacy Technician, but I am not sure that it provides enough information to actually pass the Pharmacy Technician Certified Board Exam.

  • R Luebke - Mesh Madness-Orbi Rocks!

    Just installed my new mesh network Orbi yesterday and by all measures, this thing "rocks!" The installation was super easy. The design/look of the towers is elegant and smaller than I expected. Most importantly, the network signal throughout my house is excellent. I'm experiencing the fastest upload and download speeds I've ever seen on all my devices. Using Speedtest on my phone I actually pinned the download needle to as high as it would allow. All my connected devices work better, especially my Slingbox. The Orbi is not inexpensive, but neither is my monthly Internet service and to no longer experience buffering on all my devices from every corner of my home and my yard it's certainly worth the price.