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    Country:, Europe, ES

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  • Erwin D. Taylor - Never had a problem

    I saw the negative comeents and read the good ones as well. As with anything electronic, there are going to be ones that work and those that don't. It may be a quality control issue. I have had this unti for almost three years at work and it is used consistently. I have never ahd a problem. It does what it is designed to do, recharge batteries. I use the batteries in a digital camera for ID photos and fr a flash unit. Again, never had a problem with the baterries performing and lasting a reasonable amount of time. Considering the cost of constantly buying more replacement baterries, I'll take this any day. If your cost analysis says something diferent, then you should do what's best for you. Even replacing the charger every couple of yearsis more cost effective than buying batteries over the same period of time.

  • Ryan B. - So this game Thinks You Can't Dance.

    Bought it for my wife to hide some of the selfishness of my PS4 purchase. She had a hard time with it as it was a little hard on the accuracy of the moves and form. Basically she was boo'd off stage and there were kids crying and old lady's flipping her the bird. It was embarrassing and now only a teeth gritting awkward conversation only had at Thanksgiving when the uncle gets a little too sauced and tells her how he wanted to tap that until he saw that sad sad dance. But in all seriousness, the Wii version is her favorite. This game collects dust on the shelf now.

  • C. Jones - Doesn't work for us. .. Well marketed

    Our understanding is that the Newborn variant is rather new to the marketplace. Like many, I am sure most people started using the ready made Enfamil formula provided by the hospital. Also like many, you were told not to switch, in fear of upsetting what your child has become accustomed to. We fell into the trap. However, over the last several days, the gas, the vomit and the general irritability have only gotten worse. What is even better (worse), if you go on Enfamil's own website and read the customer reviews of this product, you will see that we are not alone. 40%-50% of the reviewers have a similar response, about the gas, etc. I have yet to find a formula review that doesn't have some negative comments or some "my pediatrician told me" stated fact. However I have yet to find one that seems to have such a common negative occurrence, despite its positive reviews. As for the "my pediatrician told me", I am reminded that even the guy who came in last in med school, is still called Doctor today...

  • 3-Call - vibrant and orchestral - pretty much perfect

    Spectacular program. Purchased for our son's 14th birthday; he hasn't come out of his room since (and has uninstalled all his computer games. Would be suspicious, but for the sheer volume of music composition being produced day in and day out). ;)

  • CDO78 - Disappointing Attempt at Political Punditry

    Used to be a long time reader of Mike and his blog; this book lacked any real evidence as to why Trump and his policies are and actually will be effective if he were to win the 2016. This book completely ignores the discussion of policy and instead focuses on "mindset" techniques that have been rehashed from Gorilla Mindset and his previous blog postings. If Donald Trump loses, this entire book and Mike will lose credibility, proving that Mike has become nothing more than a sheep for the alt-right movement / manosphere. It seems that Mike is desperate to pump out low quality material at an alarmingly fast pace, maybe that alimony from his ex-wife is finally running out?

  • Chach - Golf Cart Bag

    My husband loves the bag. Plenty of room for clubs and extra pockets. Looks great and is enjoying showing it off.

  • Roger Fight - Econnomic illiteracy causes history to repeat itself

    This book puts the Great Recession in historical perspective. It shows that it is from an historical perspective, business as usual, and will inevitably result in a continuing decline for all but the super wealthy. Wealth will continue to accumulate at the top as the economy is hollowed out. The next crisis will be worse than anything we have seen before because the economy is hollowed out, with no remaing resiliency and no bubbles left to artificially reinflate the economy. He also explains why the extreme inequality is so damaging no only to the middle class, but ultimately to the health of the econnomy.