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Ailton Pitombo - Ailton Pitombo - Em setembro de 1995, a convite do Jornal a Voz da Bahia, Ailton Pitombo dava inicio a sua vida como colunista social em Feira de Santana.

Country:, North America, CA

City: -73.5747 Quebec, Canada

  • Karri Bertrand Bolton - Nice product!

    I have really enjoyed these oils. This was my first experience with essential oils, so I didn't really know what to expect. I've mostly been using them in an aromatherapy diffuser. The set was nicely packaged and the oils seem to be good quality.

  • Caitlin W. - No thanks- too much stomach pain!

    Ugh these things are the worst. I do not work for ItWorks, but bought them to support a friend's business and thought "why not?!" While, there are other products that are actually pretty good (the greens are pretty good), the last 3 times I took these pills, I got really bad stomach cramps and diarrhea. TMI, I know, but I couldn't figure out why I was having such loose stools and the only thing I can attribute it to our these pills. They are going straight in the trash. :(