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Kytogenics Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Welcome - Kytogenics Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a biomedical company engaged in the development of products based on its medical device and drug delivery patented platform technology.

Country:, North America, CA

City: -73.5501 Quebec, Canada

  • Paul Schmehl - Best Job Hunting book on the market!

    I bought "What Color is Your Parachute?" in about 1984. I've used the techniques it teaches several times, not only to get the jobs I wanted, but also in other areas of my life.

  • Anna - I'm pretty sure that I am allergic to this

    I'm pretty sure that I am allergic to this. It makes my eyes super itchy the next morning after I put this on at night. I stopped using this. I have very sensitive skin though and am allergic to a lot of things so this might work better for people with less sensitivities.

  • Richyyrich - I like it

    I paid under $7.00 and for that price it gets seven stars. The case has cutouts for all the ports even the SD card one. It does have a rubber smell to it. The magnets hold the cover closed securely. However they do not hold the kick stand part securely in place when using it, at least not on its own. With the weight of the tablet the kick stand works perfectly.

  • Jana C - Smells funny but works great

    I bought this to help with my adult acne on my chin. It has definitely helped it clear up. I still get bumps but much more minor than before. However, I don't like the smell. But it IS tea tree oil, I don't expect it to smell like roses. I'm curious about more uses of this product if anyone would like to share! As long as it continues to help, I'll definitely continue to purchase! Good price too!

  • G. Dawson - A nice supplement (but not a replacement for normal cardio/strength)

    This is a great supplement to a regular workout program. I use this 5-10 minutes a day at the end of my normal strength training or cardio sessions. I've noticed increased core strength and better balance, and I think that will only get better and better with time. I will say, though, that this is not a miracle fix. This board does something very specific. It improves core strength and balance. It is not a substitute for a good cardio workout, and it's not a great strength training device (except for the core). This is best used as a supplement to an existing workout regime.

  • Tiffany M. - Worked after first dosage

    These supplements really work! My supply dropped drastically, so I was looking for anything to help increase my milk production. I was eating oatmeal daily and drinking water like a fish, but it was not working. My little one started becoming noticeably frustrated while nursing, so I new it was time to donslmething or I would have to start supplementing with formula to ensure he was getting proper nourishment. I purchased these supplements and took the first dose on the evening of the packages arrival. I nursed my little one two hours later and it was crystal clear that there was an increase in my milk supply. I took the second dose five hours later (before bedtime) and again noticed an increase! My little one was nourished as needed and my frustration was halted immediately with this product, so I am very satisfied and recommend this product to any mommy that is struggling to produce adequate supply for their little one!