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We are committed - Kansas Health Information Network's mission is to improve health care quality, coordination and efficiency through the exchange of health information at the point of care utilizing a secure electronic network provided by a collaboration of health care organizations.

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  • Christina L. Bell - Useless.

    I was uncomfortable consuming a pill the color of 80's nail polish & even more uncomfortable w/ how my urine was NEON the entire time I took these (discoloration directly coincided w/ the duration of the bottle.) No percieved affects on hair, skin, nor nails; in fact, I achieve rapid hair growth taking a regular multi vitamin.

  • Milk Maid - Awesome! But still large....

    Easy to use, light. My only complaint would be that it is still LARGE! I did expect it to be a bit smaller, but I think the smaller ones must just be a piece of crap, and you have to bend over farther, and they aren't as sturdy, etc. So, 5 stars for how easy this is to use....good storage underneath. Maybe it's just impossible to have something this nice that is smaller. When folded, the wheels stick out quite far.

  • Cee B. - Zero arch support, but the shoes are attractive

    I've always heard good things about Danskos but have never been able to wear any of their clogs or sandals because they all run so wide, I'd never be able to keep them on my feet. But I thought I'd give these a try since they are lace up.

  • drdave - Some issues with installing over the 2012 version

    I like the product. It does not affect speed of my computer nearly as much as other programs. I did have issues with the install over the 2012 version.

  • Paul Haskett - Long Term

    I have taken DHEA for 26 years in increasing amounts to accomplish natural decrease in normal body production. Now at 90 years old I am at 100mg daily. In this 26 years I have been sick 2 days (2002 flu). I am without any general symptoms of this age level either mental or physical. The book DHEA Breakthrough (available at Amazon) very well describes DHEA results. (at one place estimates potential life extenion to 120 years in active health). I am in full agreement with this estimate.