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Kaminholz aus Polen | - Polnisches Kaminholz ist ein günstige Alternative zu Brennholz aus heimischen Wäldern. Von Laub- bis Nadelhölzer finden sich nahezu alle Holzsorten.

  • Scheitholz | - Kaminholz wird in handliche Scheite gespalten und kann so verfeuert werden. Scheitholz schaftt ein behagliche Wärme in Ihren Zuhause.
  • Hartholzbriketts | - Bei Hartholzbriketts handelt es sich um eine gute Alternative zu den herkömmlichen Brennstoffen, wie Kaminholz oder Kohlebriketts.
  • Brennholz | - Holz selber zu machen, ist eine gute Möglichkeit sich sein eigenes Brennholz zu erarbeiten.
  • Brennholzlieferung auf Paletten, als Raummeter oder Schüttraummeter | - Raummeter, Schüttmeter oder doch Palette? Die Maßeinheiten für das Holz erklärt

    Country:, Europe, DE

    City: 13.4062 Land Berlin, Germany

  • Larry Moyer - In expensive but work good

    These work good. The listing however was not clear thought we were getting two and only got one. should reword the listing so not to be so confusing

  • Crystal Stevens - forced myself to wake up to get my head on straight - then a shakiness took over that went for a good half hour if not more

    I tried this a few times, taking the smallest dose, but then last night, I upped it to one whole teaspoon as I needed some 'help' to go. Wow was I sorry and miserable. I took and went to bed, and then suddenly I was having these vivid dreams, I just felt weird and nervous. I woke up, forced myself to wake up to get my head on straight - then a shakiness took over that went for a good half hour if not more. I forced myself to eat some toast, and drink a lot until finally it went away. I swear to God I thought I'd end up in the emergency room.

  • Yale - Great for daily use by anyone! Even teens!

    This product has been used for a long time by many people wanting to change their teeth. I tend to have low patience, so I use about 3-4 of these back-to-back and it does make my teeth sensitive, but it's tolerable and I get results much quicker. I definitely notice great results from this product and my fiance uses it as well. It's a great way to whiten your teeth and these are getting made with much better quality than the original versions so it really sticks to your teeth when you apply it. It's super sticky and it works!