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City: -80.9153 North Carolina, United States

  • Bjohnson - Doesn't Fit!

    This post does not fit into my 2" receiver. The edges on this post are squared off, whereas most hitch receivers have slightly rounded interior corners. I have no problem getting other accessories into my hitch receiver, even with room to spare.

  • Bonnie Hoge - Love it

    I love to use this daily. My ends tend to be more on the dry side, so I spray my ends with this. After drying my hair it feels so nice. Not heavy to weigh down, although you do not need to use much and it goes along way. Wonderful product and it is really a 10 to me

  • Amazon Customer - Wonderful Product!

    I LOVE this product!! I started taking it because a distributor was telling me that some of her customers had been able to stop taking their blood pressure meds while on this product. I have high BP, so I thought I would try it. It's done nothing for my BP, but here's what is HAS done: I'm not as tired as I used to be. I don't want to say that I have tons of energy, because I don't. However, I no longer feel exhausted throughout the day, like I could take a nap at any time. It has suppressed my appetite. In the first month, I lost 13lbs and this was OVER the Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday. I was able to go down a pants size. I mix mine with orange juice and drink it quickly. It ever so slightly changes the texture, but not really enough to notice. I also don't taste the greens themselves (they're pretty bad alone- think liquid broccoli), but I can taste orange juice. I have also mixed this with Powerade and apple juice. I'm in my third month of taking these products and I still love them. I'm a teacher, and I haven't been sick since starting them. I even avoided a stomach virus in my household. At the end of the day- even if you don't see results- you're getting a full day's worth of fruits and vegetables and for $33/month, it's cheaper than buying that many fresh fruits and vegetables.

  • Amazon Customer - This made me so sick the next Day do not ...

    This made me so sick the next Day do not buy this I threw it out after one use. It does not do anything but make you so sick

  • R. Kerry - Not reliable

    First, this is a backup that results in a proprietary back file that needs Acronis to access it. If something is wrong with the Acronis install you cannot get to the files you backed up. Secondly, my backup system is to use two external backup drives. I swap them out once a week and store the inactive one off site for safety. When I tried to backup to the second drive the back up froze half way through.

  • Robert Salita - Real World Results - 802.11ac

    Update 22-Nov-2013: ASUS has published firmware 371 which fixes the NAT loopback issue which only occured when hardware acceleration was enabled (default). Congrats to ASUS for confirming, owning and resolving the issue. The firmware is now available on ASUS website.