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American Society for Quality Southwest Florida Section 1530 - Serving quality professionals and everyone interested in continuous improvement through the relentless elimination of process variation and waste.

Country:, North America, US

City: -81.5401 Florida, United States

  • Scott B. Macdonald - Huge problem for I can't avoid.

    As a licensed Merchant Marines Master ( that means Captain) I am horrified by this book. It gives the reader the false impression that simply by this mere read, that they will become proficient in avoiding huge ships. I needed 4 years sea time to get my rating. I had to avoid huge ships the old way...with radar, and waiting several hours until the huge ship actually appeared, then waiting more time until close enough to determine if avoiding was actually needed, and what to do in order to ensure such avoidance. Is this topic important...yes! Should it presented to laymen with no training...NO! Why not just publish "How to avoid making mistakes while removing one's spleen?"

  • Ronnievee - The

    She never seen to amaze me..everybody that she write is great I could truly said that she is my favorite author..this book was great just like all the rest miss Nicole never disappoint me..great job as always❤️❤️

  • Melly - Awesome Glue

    This glue is awesome!!! You can use it on such a wide variety of materials. Just a word of warning, when the glue dries it expands. This may seem obvious to intelligent people, but I learned the hard way! Because of its versatility it is a great product to have in your house.