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Who is thrombophiliac and what means thrombophilia? - Everything what thrombophiliac needs to know about thrombophilia, thrombophilic gene mutation, thrombosis, prevention of complications

  • Genetics simply explained from genes, DNA, mutations, evolution to thrombophilia - These articles about genetics will help you understand thrombophilia, such as Leiden mutation, MTHFR mutation, prothrombin mutation, and more.
  • Genes - what are genes and what is their meaning? Simply explained. - Definition of genes and DNA simply explained. The human body contains 46 chromosomes in 23 pairs. Autosomes and sex chromosomes.
  • What are DNA mutations and how they cause thrombophilia? - Definition of DNA mutations and types of gene mutation help you understand genetic diseases like thrombophilia that cause thrombosis.
  • Thrombophilic gene mutations their cause and types simply explained - The most common thrombophilic gene mutations are: Leiden mutation, MTHFR mutation, Prothrombin mutation, know also as inherited thrombophilia.
  • Mutations types and their causes simply explained. - Mutations types according to cause, nature, extent and impact. Simply explained what are gene and DNA mutations. Learn about mutagen factors and so on.
  • Evolutionary Meaning of Thrombophilia - How it helped its carriers? - Evolutionary meaning of gene mutations, e.g. thrombophilia: Leiden mutation arose 35 thousand years ago in Skandinavia, protected its bearers from bleeding.
  • Thrombophilia - what are risks and how to prevent them? - Thrombophilia increases blood tendency to clot and cause thrombosis. The most common types are Leiden mutation, MTHFT mutation and prothrombin mutation.
  • Leiden mutation - the most common thrombophilia - everything you need to know - Leiden mutation in Factor V is a thrombophilia and genetic predisposition to thrombosis, lung embolism and can cause complications in pregnancy.
  • Mutace v genu pro MTHFR - Vrozená trombofilie mutace v genu pro MTHFR může způsobit zvýšenou hladinu homocysteinu. v krevní plazmě, která je rizikovým faktorem pro vznik trombózy.
  • Prothrombin Mutation - What are risks and what can you do? - Prothrombin mutation, also called a mutation of factor II (FII), prothrombin mutation 20210 or prothrombin G20210A. Thrombophilia, can cause thrombosis.
  • Complications - ThromboembolismDeep Vein ThrombosisStrokePostthrombotic SyndromPulmonary EmbolismHeart AttackThrombophilia in Pregnancy
  • Tromboembolická nemoc - Tromboembolická nemoc je pojem, pod který patří trombóza a plicní embolie. Trombofilie zvyšuje riziko vzniku této komplikace.
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis - Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention - Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is caused by complete or partial closure of vein by thrombus (blood clot). Complication of thrombophilias, Leiden mutation, etc.
  • Akutní infarkt myokardu - co to znamená a jak mu předejít? - Akutní infarkt myokardu neboli srdeční infarkt je možný důsledek tromboembolické nemoci u pacientů s diagnózou trombofilie či u ischemické choroby srdeční.
  • Stroke - what are symptoms of stroke and when to call an ambulance? - Stroke, ischemic stroke is based on thrombosis and closure of vein by blood clot. Stroke can be also based on bleeding which is called hemorrhagic stroke.
  • Pulmonary embolism - what are symptoms and when to call an ambulance? - Pulmonary embolism (lung embolism) is caused by a blood clot in connection with deep venous thrombosis. Symptoms include shortness of breath, chest pain,..
  • Postthrombotic syndrome - Symptoms, Therapy, Prevention - Postthrombotic syndrome may occur after venous thrombosis: legs swelling, varicous veins, leg ulcers, pain when walking, feeling of heaviness, seizures
  • Trombofilie a těhotenství - Trombofilie a těhotenství. Trombofilie např. Leidenská mutace zvyšují rizika komplikací, z nichž nejčastější je trombóza. Rizika a jejich prevence.
  • Useful Information - TherapyPrevention of thrombosis when travelingHormonal ContaceptionQuick INR TestCoaguChek
  • Therapy - Warfarin, CoumadinWarfarin, Coumadin DietWarfarin EmbryopathyLow Molecular Weight Heparin
  • Warfarin, Coumadin - side efects and their prevention - Warfarin, Coumadin is a blood thinner used to prevent and treat blood clots (especially in deep vein thrombosis - DVT or pulmonary embolus - PE).
  • Warfarin diet (Coumadin diet): what food affect my INR and what food to avoid? - Warfarin diet: is it necessary to adhere to the diet, which involved restriction to exclusion of vegetables containing higher amounts of vitamin K?
  • Warfarin Embryopathy, Coumadin Embryopathy - what is it? - Warfarin embryopathy or Coumadin embryopathy is caused by Warfarin (Coumadin), which can cause spontaneous abortion, fetal death, and congenital defects.
  • Nízkomolekulární hepariny - prevence trombózy - Nízkomolekulární hepariny se používají k prevenci trombózy, převádění pacienta na warfarin a naopak. Dále pak jako alternativa warfarinu v těhotenství.
  • Víte jaká je správná prevence trombózy při cestování? - Prevence trombózy při cestování je důležitá zejména u pacientů s diagnózou trombofilie (Leidenská mutace, mutace protrombinu, MTHFR) a křečových žil.
  • Hormonal Contraception Risks for Thrombophiliacs - Hormonal contraception increases the risk of developing thrombosis, embolism and stroke. Combination with thrombophilia (Leiden mutation) can be dangerous.
  • Kontroly krevní srážlivosti při léčbě Warfarinem - Kontroly krevní srážlivosti při léčbě Warfarinem jsou důležité pro zajištění bezpečnosti a účinnosti léčby. Test INR je nutné provádět každý měsíc.
  • Coaguchek device - home testing for safer life on anticoagulation therapy - Coaguchek device is a device for self-monitoring of INR, blood coagulation test. Used by patients on oral anticoagution therapy (Warfarin, Coumadin).

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  • Happy46 - Mine works

    I went out and bought a Nuface a few days ago. I can see some subtle changes already and I definitely feel the tightening... My skin looks so healthy and rested. I'm really sorry for the ones it didn't work for because I have bought products that haven't worked for me but they did for other people. I love mine and will continue to use it. Thanks Nuface...

  • Marriland - Generally OK 4K TV, but with annoying black flickering issues

    Got a great deal on this during Amazon's Prime Day, but it has its own set of issues that I've noticed in the roughly two months of owning it. First of all, setting up the TV was a pain — maybe it was poor timing and Samsung's servers were down, but when I was trying to set up the TV for the first time, it was unbelievably slow and wouldn't connect to anything. Even plugging into a wired (powerline) Ethernet connection didn't resolve the issue; in fact, it seemed to make it worse. A few hours later, everything seemed to connect just fine like nothing was wrong, and no, it wasn't an intermittent internet issue that I was having, since every other connection in my house worked just fine.

  • T.Bogard - Horrible and near to no experience at all

    a shame that did not work at all... The device does not display all the features the instructive (Green/Green lights on instructive does not show at all on the device). I put a generous quantity of gel, and I got no reaction at all. I saw many good reviews, but its a shame I cannot experience my abs working at all...