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  • J. Rockwell - Poor choice!

    Bought TaxAct upon PCMag's recommendation. Poor choice!. Import function from competitor's pdfs is broken. You get an error message saying server is down for maintenance! That's just the beginning. Tech support? That's a joke.. Still waiting for an answer after many days! User interface has many glitches. I'm stuck with it this year, but PCMag has lost much credibility with me! Yea TurboTax got caught being greedy, but they have already learned a lesson and issued apologies. You can now get the same stuff as last year with the Deluxe Their user interface is MUCH better.

  • Eric N. Walton - Good alternative but needs knee pad

    This is a great alternative to crutches, but it's very important that you supplement the padding in the knee area, you could do serious harm to your knee cap and surrounding area. All shock from using iWalk is centered at the knee. I just used mine for 3 weeks straight, I used some foam from a Pelican case. I'm surprised they don't reinforce this area, as it can be painful if left unpadded. And get ready for people to think you've lost your lower leg when walking head on to them, I try and move in circles when seeing friends as to not upset people too much, haha..